2013 Gallery
Winner: Best Installation Design
Koskela Pty Ltd for Kitchen By Mike on Wheels
New South Wales

Kitchen by Mike needed a mobile kitchen to use for offsite catering and festivals. Koskela responded to this by creating KBM on Wheels - a 'suped up' version of a traditional hawker vendor stall.
Jury Citation
At a time when takeaway food, pop-up diners and temporality are increasingly part of the gastronomic scene, Kitchen by Mike on Wheels takes the idea of mobility and performative kitchens a step further. This modern-day barrow evokes traditional markets and food transport, and at the same time, operates as the quintessential dining table, kitchen bench or cooking-class counter. With its clever incorporation of a kitchen garden, water, heat and culinary tools, this ingenious piece neatly encapsulates food culture from production to consumption. In its simple linear layout and exposed services, it operates as a wonderfully transparent demonstration of all that is needed to create good food. The careful choice of raw, precious and technologically advanced materials, associations with place and attention to sustainable processes exemplify the best in contemporary ethical and sophisticated hospitality. All are resolved with a refreshing sense of whimsy and ease in this bold but understated peripatetic kitchen.