2017 Gallery
Winner: Best Bar Design

Mike Murphy with later additions by Mike Hanna and Don Cameron for Fratelli Paradiso

George Livissianis for The Dolphin Hotel
Commendation: Best Bar Design

ACME&Co. for Charlie Parker's

SJB + TRD for The Buena

Hecker Guthrie for The George on Collins
Shortlist: Best Bar Design

Six Degrees Architects for Arlechin

Biasol for Bang Bang

AZBcreative for Brick Lane

ACME&Co. for Charlie Parker's

ACME&Co. for Charlie Parker's

Welsh + Major Architects for Endeavour Tap Rooms

Mike Murphy with later additions by Mike Hanna and Don Cameron for Fratelli Paradiso

AZBcreative for Goodbar

Scott Petherick for Headricks Lane

Carr in Collaboration with Fabio Ongarato Design for Jackalope - Flaggerdoot

Foolscap Studio for Mini Bar

Studio Y. for Stomping Ground Bar & Brewery

SJB + TRD for The Buena

SJB + TRD for The Buena

George Livissianis for The Dolphin Hotel

George Livissianis for The Dolphin Hotel

Hecker Guthrie for The George on Collins

Hecker Guthrie for The George on Collins

Bates Smart for The Waiting Room - Crown Towers Perth

Biasol for Y14 Japanese Seafood Kitchen & Bar